Mr. Peter Deswood, III is an administrator, podcaster, and blogger. Mr. Deswood is originally from Arizona, but he grew up in Farmington. In addition, he has been an adjunct instructor for the school of business and mathematics at San Juan College.
Peter is a doctoral candidate in Educational Leadership at Grand Canyon University. His research focused on instructional leadership and American Indian Self-Determination. In addition, he has a M. Ed. in Educational Leadership with a Principal Certification from Penn State University. He received a B. S. in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and also a B. A. in Accounting from Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. Peter also serves as Chairman of the Navajo Agricultural Products Industries (NAPI) Board of Directors. Mr. Deswood has three beautiful daughters: ages 24, 13, and 10 years old. His wife is a assistant professor at San Juan College.